Thursday, January 3, 2008

Greetings To All Past & Current FNCI Grantees

Through this blog site, we invite all current, and/ or past FNCI Common Ground & Community Engagement Grantees to share their experiences, trials and tribulations, and triumphs throughout the length of their grant project activities.
We invite you to share your experiences in order to inform, educate and enlighten other established and/or emerging Indigenous artists as they travel on their career paths. Your shared experiences will serve as a model in assisting them, should they decide to apply at some future time
We invite you serve as on-line mentors and representatives of your respective genre’s and, particularly to our Native Youth.
Through on-line information and discussion, the American Indian musical arts will, we hope, be celebrated and advanced.
We invite all who share these interests to use and to contribute to this interactive blog site.

Warmest regards & Wishes for a Wonderful 2008!

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