Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Professional Development Grant

My heartfelt thanks to FNCI and the underwriters of the grant. This grant project was for professional development in the performing arts, and was primarily used for attending professional booking conferences in the Fall of 2007 and this past January 2008.

WAA 2007 (Western Arts Alliance), Los Angeles, CA--on the floor of the exhibit halls

Arts Midwest 2007, Columbus, OH--Exhibit hall; me and colleague at cocktail hour

Pics from Arts Presenters (Jan. 08) and OAPN (Oct. 07) will be posted as soon as they are available. The conference season has just ended for me, and since I was a grant recipient of the FNCI program, I was invited to contribute to the FNCIBlog. This is a wonderful forum for addressing artist, agent, and presenter issues in the performing arts field. Over the years I have mentored many artists and agents on the various markets and reality of the performing arts industry in the U.S. I hope to contribute many postings which address issues and answer questions regarding the business of the performing arts. I will submit an outline of blog topics so that it is linear and easy to follow. It's also helpful to keep the prose as short and concise as possible for ease of reading. I hope these contributions help those of you with burning questions about how the business of the performing arts really works.


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